Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)

The IAFF and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) teamed up with 10 of North America’s leading fire departments and unions through the Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Initiative to develop the IAFF/IAFC Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT).

In This Section

The Task Force successfully developed the Fire Service Joint Labor-Management Wellness-Fitness Initiative in 1997 to address the need for a holistic and non-punitive approach to wellness and fitness in the fire service. The Task Force then discovered that municipalities were hiring people who would not be physically capable of a successful career in the fire service. The Task Force, therefore, unanimously agreed to develop a physical ability test for pre-employment testing of candidates. The Task Force has developed and validated the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT), resulting in a consistent test for hiring of candidate fire fighters.

The Wellness/Fitness Initiative and the Candidate Physical Ability Test Program have been reviewed and utilized by fire departments throughout the U.S. and Canada. Each of the Task Force jurisdictions has also served as a resource and has assisted fire departments in their region with the adoption of these programs. An updated Wellness/Fitness Initiative and the Candidate Physical Ability Test is available through the IAFF and the IAFC.

It has now been over 20 years since we joined together to form the IAFF/IAFC Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Task Force. The Task Force has dedicated itself to developing a holistic, positive rehabilitating and educational approach to wellness and fitness programs in the fire service.

One of the three major initiatives was the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) Program. Since its release in 1999, over 900 jurisdictions have successfully implemented this valuable program.

Task force Developing the CPAT

The Task Force directed the Technical Committee to develop a performance test for the 10 jurisdictions that measures the critical skills of fire fighter candidates. Committee members reviewed six of the 10 jurisdictions job analysis and job task surveys. They also reviewed each of the ten jurisdiction’s current candidate performance tests and job descriptions.

Additionally, a complete equipment and demographics survey was also completed by the ten jurisdictions. The equipment survey provided types and weights of all fire fighter protective clothing, protective equipment, fire department equipment and fire department tools. It also assessed the average weight of fire fighters in each jurisdiction as well as the average weight of emergency room and hospital admitted patients. Demographic profiles of each jurisdiction were also developed.

Using the data collected, the Committee then derived a list of 31 tasks to investigate. They developed survey questions directly related to these 31 tasks. The critical and physical task skills that all fire fighters should possess were validated (through questionnaires) by 1,000 fire fighters from the ten departments. Selection of the 1,000 fire fighters was random and anonymous, but consistent with the race and gender diversity of the specific department. The completed results of the surveys resulted in the development a series of physical ability tests that were selected based on the results of the data indicating the physicality and criticality of the tasks performed by fire fighters.

Props for each event were built and modified to obtain the necessary information regarding candidate’s ability. The props were then placed in a sequence that would best simulate their use in a fire scene. The Technical Committee chose to move the candidates along a predetermined path from event to event in a continuous manner requiring a mandatory walk between events.

Because of the test set up, individual event times would be an ineffective measure of a candidate’s ability, so an overall test time needs to be established. Numerous individuals were run through the test including: technical staff members, incumbent fire fighters, lay people and a recruit class.

The overall consensus found the test to be a good predictor of an applicant’s ability to perform basic fire fighting tasks. The Technical Committee was confident that the ability test would provide the fire service with a physically competent recruit. There was also unanimous agreement that the test equaled or was superior to current test run by each of the 10 jurisdictions.

These tests were filmed at different speeds and presented to supervisors in the 10 jurisdictions (captains and battalion chiefs with experience in fire fighter training). At the completion of this process an entry test was finalized and presented to the Task Force for adoption. The Task Force unanimously adopted the full Candidate Physical Ability Test with a pass/fail time of 10 minutes and 20 seconds. The test may only be administered on a pass/fail basis, municipalities may not rank candidates based upon CPAT completion times.

Administering the CPAT

In developing the CPAT Program, the Task Force recognized that the fire department should reflect the community it serves. In today’s society, communities are increasingly diverse and fire fighters are continually challenged to operate in multi-cultural environments. The goal of the CPAT is to test for those individuals physically qualified to perform the job of fire fighter without separating from the department’s broader goal of attaining a properly trained and physically capable workforce whose members reflect the diversity of the community. Diversity should never come by lowering validated entry standards. Rather, it should come from actively recruiting qualified men and women candidates from all racial and ethnic backgrounds for careers in the fire service. It is the position of the IAFF/IAFC Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Initiative Task Force that fire departments should increase the diversity of their workforce by actively recruiting candidates from throughout their communities rather than lowering candidate physical ability standards. The CPAT Program details avenues fire departments can pursue to raise awareness of job opportunities and to recruit and mentor qualified candidates within the fire service before the test is administered.

The CPAT goal was to develop a fair and valid evaluation tool in the selection of fire fighters to ensure that all fire fighter candidates possess the physical ability to complete critical tasks effectively and safely. This CPAT Program covers every aspect of administering the CPAT: from recruiting and mentoring programs, to providing recruits with fitness guidance to help prepare them for the CPAT, to setting up and administering the test. The entire validation process is discussed in detail, as well as the legal issues that departments might face when implementing the actual program.

In 2006, the following orientation and pre-test procedures were implemented after a conciliation agreement with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC):

All candidates will attend at least two mandatory orientation sessions commencing within eight weeks before the actual official CPAT test date, during which they will receive “hands on” familiarity with the actual CPAT apparatus. Candidates may voluntarily attend up to one additional orientation session.

Within 30 days prior to the actual CPAT test date, all candidates will perform at least 2 timed practice runs, using actual CPAT apparatus, and in which the candidate is allowed to take as much time as necessary to complete the entire course.

A candidate may waive all of the fore-mentioned program components and be eligible to participate in a CPAT test. Such a waiver shall only be acceptable if it is in writing, and is made on a wholly knowing and voluntary basis.

During the orientations and practice runs certified Peer Fitness Trainers, fitness professionals and/or CPAT trained fire fighters (proctors) will be present to help all candidates understand the test elements and how they can improve their physical performance and conditioning prior to taking the test.

Further, the WFI Task Force now requires that all those that are licensed to use the CPAT must fully implement these orientation and pre-test procedures. For those fire departments that are utilizing another Licensee to conduct their CPAT, the fire department, as the employer, must ensure that these changes are incorporated.

After a municipality has completed all aspects of recruiting and mentoring candidates they may administer the actual eight-event test. During the entire test the candidate must wear a 50 lb. weighted vest (simulating the weight of a fire fighters protective clothing and equipment). The eight events are:

  1. Stair Climb (climbing stairs while carrying an additional 25 lb. simulated hose pack)
    See Guidance on Purchasing Stair Steppers for CPAT
  2. Ladder Raise and Extension (placing a ground ladder at the fire scene and extending the ladder to the roof or a window)
  3. Hose Drag (stretching uncharged hoselines, advancing lines)
  4. Equipment Carry (removing and carrying equipment from fire apparatus to fireground)
  5. Forcible Entry (penetrating a locked door, breaching a wall)
  6. Search (crawling through dark unpredictable areas to search for victims)
  7. Rescue Drag (removing victim or partner from a fire building)
  8. Ceiling Pull (locating fire and checking for fire extension)
Guidance on Purchasing Stair Steppers for CPAT

The information below includes guidance and accommodations for purchasing and using newer models of stair steppers for the IAFF/IAFC CPAT. The IAFF recognizes that stair stepper manufacturers have retooled their assembly lines to produce the latest generation of machines. This has caused significant difficulty with removing one side rail and moving the machine’s screen so candidates do not see the LED countdown during their test. It has also caused concern from entities and fire departments that administer the CPAT that modifying the newer machines will void the manufacturer’s warranty. Unlike older stair steppers that were easily unbolted and unscrewed from the side rail and screen and refitted to the machine to its original configuration, the new stair steppers require permanent cutting of the side rail and the support pipe that holds the screen to meet the CPAT manuals specifications.To mitigate these issues, the IAFF is allowing and accommodating addendum guidelines to the CPAT manual as follows:


In our ongoing effort to ensure that the CPAT is being used properly and only as intended, we have a formal licensing policy that specifies the way in which this program can legally be used. This procedure was instituted by the Task Force to protect the integrity of the CPAT Program and the interests of the members of the IAFF and the IAFC by ensuring that the program is implemented properly and as intended. Any use of the CPAT without a license or any misuse of the CPAT program is a violation of the IAFF copyright on this program.

Licensing Background

On June 5, 2006, the IAFF notified all CPAT licensees of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) conciliation agreement with the IAFF which required specific changes in the administration of the CPAT Program. The EEOC agreed that it will not file a lawsuit during the term of this agreement based upon a claim that the CPAT has a discriminatory impact on female candidates against any fire department that utilizes the CPAT in conformity with these changes. Pursuant to this agreement, the Task Force revised the CPAT Program manual to incorporate the conciliation agreement in its entirety. Further, the Task Force has now unanimously agreed that as a condition of obtaining and maintaining a CPAT license these revisions must be fully incorporated by the CPAT license holder.

On July 19, 2006, the IAFF notified all CPAT licensees of the release of our secure web-based application, CPAT Administration. CPAT Administration was developed to provide a tool for all CPAT licensees that support all aspects of administering the CPAT program. As part of the EEOC conciliation agreement, the IAFF agreed to collect and provide aggregate and redacted data to the EEOC to allow it to assess the effectiveness of the modifications in addressing the impact of the CPAT on female candidates. All licensees must agree to collect and provide the IAFF and the IAFC data regarding number of male, female and minority applicants that have taken the CPAT and the pass/fail rates of each. The Task Force has now unanimously agreed that as a condition of obtaining and maintaining a CPAT license, the CPAT Administration shall be used by the licensee as the sole means for collecting and providing data as well as for the administration of the CPAT.

The IAFF, the IAFC and the Task Force have now developed and adopted a new policy on CPAT Limited Licenses. Any department utilizing a limited licensee to administer and conduct their CPAT testing program MUST also have a license. As the full license holder, the department will be responsible for the entire program, including the portion conducted by the limited licensed organization that is assisting with the CPAT.

In 2008, the IAFF/IAFC Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Initiative Task Force completed and the IAFF published the 2nd Edition of the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) program. The new edition incorporates the above information as well as provides new videos and tools for a successful CPAT program.
Under the current policy, authorization to use the CPAT under a full license will only be granted to fire departments and other employers that will be fully administering the CPAT Program and hiring fire fighter employees. Limiting the granting of licenses to only those entities that actually administer the program has enabled us to better ensure that the CPAT is only being administered in strict compliance with the licensing agreement. Third party testing organizations (limited to federal, state or provincial agencies; state/provincial fire academies; colleges/universities that conduct pre-employment testing; or pre-employment testing organizations) that only administer the physical testing portion of the CPAT may apply for a Limited License.

Such Limited Licenses allow such third party testing organizations to use the CPAT for purposes of testing the physical capability of fire fighter candidates. However, this license is granted only upon the express conditions that the licensee may only administer the CPAT for a fire department that already possesses a complete and valid license from the IAFF. Limited licensees shall not administer the CPAT to any person without first obtaining a written agreement with the fire department to which the person is applying. The provisions of this agreement are outlined below.

These Limited License organizations then operate under the license of the jurisdiction that is responsible for administering the overall CPAT Program. In addition, a fire department that uses another fire department’s resources and facilities to test candidates must apply for a license of their own. The licensing policy ensures that the CPAT Program used by the licensee fully covers every aspect of the CPAT, including recruiting and mentoring programs, providing recruits with fitness guidance to help prepare them for the CPAT and setting up and administering the test.

Current CPAT Licensees

Full license are issued to fire departments.

Limited licenses are issued to third-party, non-fire department organizations that are one of the following:

*The IAFF is the licensing agency and does not schedule any candidates. Please contact the jurisdictions for orientation, practice test and official test schedules.

*Fire departments are not required to accept a CPAT certification from an outside testing source. Please contact the department you are applying with for verification of their certificate acceptance policy.

*Fire departments (full licensees) are not required to provide candidates documentation of their passing CPAT for another department’s hiring process. Please contact the department you are applying with for verification of their documentation policy.

Other Countries

JurisdictionState/ProvinceNumberTypeTesting Source
Terms and Conditions of Limited CPAT License

A Limited CPAT License is granted to allow the use the CPAT for purposes of testing the physical capability of fire fighter candidates. The limited license is granted only upon the express conditions that the licensee may only administer the CPAT for a fire department that already possesses a complete and valid license from the IAFF. Any attempt by the licensee to use the CPAT for testing incumbents is inconsistent with the scope of this license, and is therefore prohibited. The licensee is only authorized to make use of the CPAT in accordance with the terms and conditions of the CPAT manual and the CPAT Limited Licensee Policy. CPAT limited licenses will only be issued to third party testing organizations that are:

Limited licensees may only administer the physical testing portion of the CPAT for the purpose of testing the physical capability of fire fighter candidates under the CPAT requirements. Limited licensees shall not administer the CPAT to any person without first obtaining a written agreement with the fire department to which the person is applying. Such agreement will contain the following provisions:

As a condition of receiving a limited license, an applicant must agree that it will only administer the CPAT in accordance with the IAFF’s licensing requirements, which include full compliance with the EEOC conciliation agreement and utilization of the CPAT Administration.
To ensure compliance with this policy, the IAFF will conduct on-site reviews and audits of the facilities holding a limited license, and the limited licensee must agree to fully cooperate with such efforts. The on-site review and audit will include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

To ensure that the IAFF has adequate resources to conduct on-site reviews and audits, limited license holders will be charged an annual licensing fee of five thousand dollars ($5,000). Limited licenses will continue to be non-transferable, nonexclusive and revocable at will for any reason.

Terms and Conditions of Full CPAT License

The CPAT license is granted only upon the express conditions that the licensee must use the CPAT in whole and only for the purpose of candidate testing. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, recruiting, mentoring, preparatory programs, orientation programs, and proper program administration including using specified equipment, test parameters, qualified proctors and test personnel. Any attempt by the licensee to use only a portion of the CPAT or to use the CPAT for testing incumbents is inconsistent with the scope of this license, and is therefore prohibited.

The licensee is only authorized to make use of the CPAT in accordance with the terms and conditions of the CPAT manual. Full CPAT Licenses will only be issued to fire departments for the purposes of candidate preparation and physical ability testing of career fire fighters.

CPAT Copyright

The IAFF has copyrighted the CPAT in order to prevent unauthorized use of this program. The IAFF owns the exclusive right to reproduce copies of the CPAT; to prepare derivative works from the CPAT; to distribute the CPAT to the public; and to publicly display this work. The copyright on the CPAT is registered with the United States Copyright Office. Because of this registration, the IAFF may invoke certain remedies in a lawsuit for copyright infringement. These remedies include actual damages, injunction, any profits realized by the infringer, and statutory damages, including attorneys’ fees and litigation costs. The IAFF’s copyright on the CPAT is also afforded complete protection in Canada pursuant to the Universal Copyright Convention. The IAFF reserves all rights under Canadian and international law for copyright infringement for any illegal use, distribution, copying and creation of derivative works that are not allowed by this license. Under Canadian laws the IAFF may invoke certain remedies in a lawsuit for copyright infringement. These remedies include actual damages, injunction, any profits realized by the infringer, and punitive damages.

Any use of the CPAT is only allowed within the terms and conditions spelled out in a licensing agreement, which must be strictly adhered to by all licensees. This agreement states that the licensee may only use the CPAT in its entirety, and it explicitly prohibits use of the CPAT to test incumbent members of a fire department.

This copyright protection does extend to any derivative physical ability test that is “substantially similar” to the CPAT test. Further, the IAFF does NOT grant a license for the creation of derivative works, or works that are based on whole or in part on the CPAT. This includes works that are written as well as oral. Specific, written permission is necessary from the IAFF in order to create derivative works.

While the IAFF may permit the reproduction and reprinting of the CPAT upon request, this does not authorize the licensee to reprint or reproduce, in whole or in part, the CPAT. Specific, written permission is necessary from the IAFF in order to reprint or reproduce the CPAT. The IAFF reserves all rights and remedies for copyright infringement for any illegal use, distribution, copying or creation of derivative works that are not covered by this license.

The IAFF is entitled to, and will, institute legal action against any infringement of its exclusive rights or its licensing agreement. The remedies for copyright infringement include obtaining an injunction to prevent further infringement and to ensure the destruction of unauthorized copies. They also include the recovery of any damages suffered by the IAFF and the Task Force; recovery of the profits of the infringer; and the recovery of attorneys’ fees and costs of the litigation.

This license is subject to termination at the election of the IAFF by written notice. This license cannot be transferred or sub-licensed to any third parties without permission from the IAFF. The IAFF owns the copyright and other related rights to the work entitled “Candidate Physical Ability Test” (“CPAT”). The IAFF, the IAFC and the ten jurisdictions and local unions of the Task Force own the proprietary rights to the CPAT.

Report Violations of CPAT License Agreement

In the ongoing effort to ensure that the CPAT is being used properly and only as intended, the IAFF enacted a reporting and investigation program that can be used to identify deficiencies in CPAT implementation. Reportable problems could include, but are not limited to, jurisdictions using the CPAT as an employment requirement without proper licensure, jurisdictions altering CPAT events in a manner inconsistent with the CPAT manual, or jurisdictions using the CPAT for the purpose of testing incumbent fire fighters. The name of anyone reporting a violation will remain strictly confidential.

Click here to report a CPAT violation.

Jurisdiction State/Province Number Type Testing Source
University AK 874 Full Internal
Fairbanks AK 170 Full Internal
Calgary AB 4 Full Internal
Anniston AL 1121 Full Alabama Fire College
Winfield AL 1005 Full Alabama Fire College
West Blount AL 963 Full Alabama Fire College
Bay Minnette AL 367 Full Alabama Fire College
Muscle Shoals AL 962 Full Alabama Fire College
Madison AL 931 Full Alabama Fire College
Tuscumbia AL 922 Full Alabama Fire College
Alabama Fire College AL LL-025 Limited
Athens AL 811 Full Alabama Fire College
Prichard AL 854 Full Mobile Fire Department
Huntsville Airport AL 774 Full Huntsville Fire Department
Opelika AL 22 Full Internal
Pratteville AL 40 Full Alabama Fire College
Phoenix City AL 102 Full Internal
Northport AL 112 Full Alabama Fire College
Rocky Ridge AL 165 Full Internal
Anniston AL 219 Full Alabama Fire College
Huntsville AL 223 Full Internal
Dothan AL 234 Full Internal
Fort Payne AL 243 Full Internal
Tuscaloosa AL 254 Full Alabama Fire College
Selma AL 263 Full Internal
Auburn AL 269 Full Internal
Tarrant AL 312 Full Alabama Fire College
Florence AL 317 Full Alabama Fire College
Bessemer AL 320 Full Alabama Fire College
Mobile AL 321 Full Internal
Montgomery AL 322 Full Internal
N. Shelby AL 323 Full Alabama Fire College
Vestavia Hills AL 324 Full Alabama Fire College
Gasden AL 336 Full Alabama Fire College
Pell City AL 337 Full Alabama Fire College
Alabaster AL 340 Full Alabama Fire College
Calera AL 341 Full Alabama Fire College
Fayette AL 342 Full Alabama Fire College
Mountain Brook AL 343 Full Alabama Fire College
Valley AL 344 Full Alabama Fire College
Talladega AL 347 Full Alabama Fire College
Saraland AL 348 Full Alabama Fire College
Attalla AL 349 Full Alabama Fire College
Moody AL 350 Full Alabama Fire College
Demopolis AL 351 Full Alabama Fire College
Trussville AL 362 Full Alabama Fire College
Alexander City AL 363 Full Alabama Fire College
Graysville AL 364 Full Alabama Fire College
Sylacouga AL 365 Full Alabama Fire College
Hueytown AL 368 Full Alabama Fire College
Lanett AL 369 Full Alabama Fire College
Enterprise AL 370 Full Alabama Fire College
Cahaba Valley AL 371 Full Alabama Fire College
Chelsea AL 372 Full Alabama Fire College
Greenville AL 373 Full Alabama Fire College
Fairfield AL 374 Full Alabama Fire College
Troy AL 386 Full Alabama Fire College
Eufaula AL 392 Full Alabama Fire College
Atmore AL 398 Full Alabama Fire College
Foley AL 400 Full Alabama Fire College
Decatur AL 408 Full Alabama Fire College
Jasper AL 419 Full Alabama Fire College
Springville AL 420 Full Alabama Fire College
Tallahassee AL 421 Full Alabama Fire College
Center Point AL 422 Full Alabama Fire College
Concord AL 423 Full Alabama Fire College
Midfield AL 431 Full Alabama Fire College
Guntersville AL 451 Full Alabama Fire College
Scottsboro AL 454 Full Alabama Fire College
Ozark AL 459 Full Alabama Fire College
Brewton AL 462 Full Alabama Fire College
Albertville AL 463 Full Alabama Fire College
Tuskeegee AL 464 Full Alabama Fire College
Gulf Shores AL 468 Full Alabama Fire College
Homewood AL 469 Full Alabama Fire College
Andalusia AL 473 Full Alabama Fire College
Brierfield AL 487 Full Alabama Fire College
Chickasaw AL 489 Full Alabama Fire College
Arab AL 495 Full Alabama Fire College
Opp AL 501 Full Alabama Fire College
Harpersville AL 505 Full Alabama Fire College
Pelham AL 519 Full Alabama Fire College
Sylvan Springs AL 521 Full Alabama Fire College
Adamsville AL 522 Full Alabama Fire College
Hamilton AL 523 Full Alabama Fire College
Pleasant Grove AL 527 Full Alabama Fire College
Odenville AL 572 Full Alabama Fire College
Flomaton AL 587 Full Alabama Fire College
Russellville AL 603 Full Alabama Fire College
Margaret AL 611 Full Alabama Fire College
Helena AL 612 Full Alabama Fire College
Fayetteville AR 1215 Full Internal
Queensland Australia 441 Full Internally
Golder Ranch AZ 1176 Full NTN Phoenix
Mountain Vista AZ 1159 Full NTN -Phoenix
Williamson Valley AZ 1095 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Verde Valley AZ 1018 Full National Testing Network
Queen Creek AZ 1003 Full National Testing Network
Maricopa AZ 979 Full Maricopa CCD
Casa Grande AZ 972 Full Maricopa CCD
Buckeye Valley AZ 946 Full National Testing Network
Clarkdale AZ 943 Full National Testing Network
Lake Havasu City AZ 927 Full National Testing Network
Maricopa Community College District AZ LL-016 Limited
National Testing Network AZ LL-018 Limited
El Mirage AZ 834 Full Maricopa CCD
Prescott AZ 718 Full National Testing Network
Phoenix AZ 8 Full Maricopa CCD
Goodyear AZ 13 Full Maricopa CCD
Glendale AZ 25 Full Maricopa CCD
Chandler AZ 27 Full Maricopa CCD
Peoria AZ 32 Full Maricopa CCD
Tucson AZ 39 Full Internally
Laveen AZ 40 Limited Ape Training Center/Public Safety Athlete
Sun Lakes AZ 59 Full Maricopa CCD
Gilbert AZ 85 Full Maricopa CCD
Avondale AZ 86 Full National Testing Network
Surprise AZ 97 Full National Testing Network
Mesa AZ 103 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Daisy Mountain AZ 105 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Tempe AZ 107 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Sedona AZ 134 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Sun City West AZ 166 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Buckeye AZ 169 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Scottsdale AZ 171 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Northwest Tucson AZ 178 Full Internal
Guadalupe AZ 212 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Tolleson AZ 278 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Yuma AZ 355 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Black Canyon AZ 432 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Rural/Metro AZ 558 Full Maricopa CCs & NTN
Central Yavapai AZ 659 Full National Testing Network
Rodgers AZ 1224 Internal
Evolve Tactical Fitness AZ 35 Limited
Prince George BC 132 Full Abbotsford
Abbotsford BC 162 Full Internal
Richmond BC 606 Full Abbotsford
Maple Ridge BC 671 Full Abbotsford
Dinuba CA 1183 Full CALJAC
Jackson Valley CA 1172 Full CALJAC
Visalia CA 1162 Full CALJAC
Menlo Park CA 1126 Full CALJAC
Santa Clara County CA 1106 Full CALJAC
Rialto CA 1105 Full CALJAC
Huntington Beach CA 1104 Full CALJAC
San Bernardino City CA 1103 Full CALJAC
Sutter County CA 1094 Full CALJAC
San Rafael CA 1076 Full CALJAC
Chula Vista CA 1071 Full CALJAC
Dixon CA 1045 Full CALJAC
Oakland CA 1015 Full CALJAC
Sycuan CA 965 Full CALJAC
Fremont CA 872 Full CALJAC
Newark CA 873 Full CALJAC
Alameda CA 855 Full CALJAC
Palm Springs CA 856 Full CALJAC
North County CA 857 Full CALJAC
CAL Fire CA 858 Full CALJAC
Cathedral City CA 860 Full CALJAC
Central Calaveras CA 861 Full CALJAC
Belmont-San Carlos CA 862 Full CALJAC
Vacaville CA 863 Full CALJAC
Novato CA 864 Full CALJAC
El Dorado CA 865 Full CALJAC
Bakersfield CA 866 Full CALJAC
San Ramon CA 867 Full CALJAC
Burbank CA 868 Full CALJAC
Watsonville CA 869 Full CALJAC
Ontario CA 843 Full CALJAC
Montecito CA 844 Full CALJAC
Napa CA 845 Full CALJAC
Scotts Valley CA 846 Full CALJAC
Chino Valley CA 847 Full CALJAC
Davis CA 848 Full CALJAC
Berkeley CA 849 Full CALJAC
Aptos La Selva CA 850 Full CALJAC
Santa Clara County CA 852 Full CALJAC
Rancho Cucamonga CA 853 Full CALJAC
Milpitas CA 838 Full CALJAC
Santa Cruz CA 839 Full CALJAC
San Jose CA 840 Full CALJAC
Oxnard City CA 841 Full CALJAC
Livemore – Pleasanton CA 842 Full CALJAC
Los Angeles County CA 6 Full CALJAC
Kern County CA 18 Full CALJAC
Ventura County- Camarillo CA 26 Full CALJAC
Contra Costa County CA 65 Full CALJAC
Sacramento CA 100 Full CALJAC
California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship ( CALJAC ) CA LL-015 Limited CALJAC
San Francisco CA 160 Full CALJAC
LA City CA 302 Full CALJAC
Sunnyvale CA 506 Full CALJAC
Marin County CA 524 Full CALJAC
Stockton CA 610 Full CALJAC
Encinitas CA 1208 Full CALJAC
City of Clovis CA 1196 Full
Farmersville CA 1214 Full CALJAC
Redlands CA 1221 Full
Aurora CO 1081 Full Aims CC & Pikes Peak CC
Vail CO 1050 Full Accepts cert from all licensees
Aims Community College CO LL-028 Limited
Tri -Lakes Monument CO 932 Full Aims CC
Rifle CO 918 Full Aims CC
City of Grand Junction CO 1328 Full Internal
Denver CO 818 Full Internal
Eagle River CO 736 Full Accepts cert from all licenses
Poudre CO 38 Full Aims CC & Pikes Peak CC
Colorado Springs CO 47 Full Accepts cert from all licenses
South Metro Fire Rescue Authority CO 122 Full Aims CC & Pikes Peak CC
Union Colony-Greeley CO 135 Full
Pikes Peak Community College CO LL-022 Limited
Boulder CO 214 Full
Longmont CO 240 Full Aims CC
Castlerock CO 264 Full Internal
Thornton CO 357 Full Internal
Pueblo CO 383 Full
Greater Brighton CO 539 Full
Mountain View CO 540 Full Aims CC
Loveland CO 576 Full Aims CC
Cunningham CO 594 Full Aims CC & Pikes Peak CC
Littleton CO 622 Full City of Denver
Windsor CO 1212 Full Aims Community College
Bristol CT 921 Full
New Haven CT 51 Limited Complete Health Injury Prevention (CHIPS)
Farmington CT 916 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
New Haven CT 836 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Milford CT 803 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Westport CT 813 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
West Shore CT 816 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Branford CT 747 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Bridgeport CT 742 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Mansfield CT 743 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
New London CT 746 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Stamford CT 741 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Torrington CT 744 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
West Hartford CT 748 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Wilton CT 749 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Mohegan Tribal CT 739 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Norwich CT 735 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Allingtown CT 734 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
North Haven CT 733 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Wallingford CT 732 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Stratford CT 731 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Hamden CT 730 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
East Haven CT 729 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Suffield CT 728 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Connecticut Fire Academy CT LL-003 Limited Connecticut Fire Academy
Poquonnock Bridge Fire CT 272 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Manchester CT 277 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Cromwell CT 309 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Danbury CT 316 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Southington CT 437 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Guilford CT 460 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
East Hartford CT 461 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Willamantic CT 466 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
New Britain CT 467 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
East Haddam CT 494 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Naugatuck CT 499 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Meriden CT 507 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Middletown CT 508 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Waterford CT 509 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Ridgefield CT 552 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
Waterbury CT 553 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
South Fire District CT 617 Full Connecticut Fire Academy
District of Columbia DC 722 Full Internal
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority DC 1206 Full Prince William County Fire and Rescue Department
South Trail Fire Protection & Rescue Service District FL 1316 Full External
San Carlos Park Fire & Rescue District FL 1276 Full NTN
Boynton Beach FL 1260 Full NTN
Okeechobee County FL 1253 Full NTN
Ocoee FL 1252 Full NTN
Leesburg FL 1250 Full NTN
Winter Garden FL 1243 Full NTN
North River FL 1238 Full NTN
Palm Beach Gardens FL 1237 Full NTN
Martin County FL 1239 Full NTN
Mount Dora FL 1194 Full
Taylor County FL 1178 Full Seminole County
Oviedo FL 1180 Full NTN – CTAE
Kissimmee FL 1173 Full NTN – PTEC
Polk County FL 1174 Full NTN – PTEC
Citrus County FL 1168 Full NTN – PTEC
Lake Mary FL 1154 Full Seminole County
Longwood FL 1153 Full Seminole County
Alachua County FL 1130 Full Internal
Alachua County FL 1130 Full Internal
Charlotte County FL 1127 Full NTN – PTEC
The Villages FL 1118 Full NTN – PTEC
Lakeland FL 1101 Full NTN – PTEC
Clermont FL 1097 Full NTN – PTEC
Bradenton FL 1098 Full NTN – PTEC
North Port FL 1087 Full NTN – PTEC
Deltona FL 1088 Full Seminole County
Cape Coral FL 1072 Full Internal
Iona McGregor FL 1066 Full Internal
North Naples FL 1065 Full Internal
West Palm Beach FL 1060 Full Palm Beach State College
Englewood FL 1046 Full NTN – PTEC
Venice FL 1049 Full NTN – PTEC
Sarasota County FL 1042 Full NTN – PTEC
Haines City FL 1033 Full NTN – PTED
Cedar Hammock FL 1023 Full NTN – PTEC
West Manatee FL 1019 Full NTN – PTEC
Longboat Key FL 1009 Full NTN – PTEC
Naples FL 1000 Full NTN – PTEC
Pasco County FL 987 Full NTN – PTEC
Ocala FL 986 Full NTN – PTEC
Palm Beach County FL 971 Full Palm Beach State College
Sanford FL 966 Full Seminole County FD
Tampa FL 960 Full NTN – PTEC
Brooksville FL 950 Full NTN – PTEC
Spring Hill FL 945 Full NTN – PTEC
Hernando County FL 940 Full NTN – PTEC
Hillsborough County FL 938 Full NTN – PTEC
National Testing Network FL LL-018 Limited PTEC
National Testing Network FL LL-018 Limited CTAE
Brevard County FL 937 Full Seminole County
St. Pete Beach FL 905 Full NTN – PTEC
St. Pete- Clearwater Airport FL 906 Full NTN – PTEC
St. Petersburg FL 907 Full NTN – PTEC
South Pasadena FL 908 Full NTN – PTEC
Tarpon Springs FL 909 Full NTN – PTEC
Treasure Island FL 910 Full NTN – PTEC
Seminole County FL 914 Full NTN – PTEC
Gulfport FL 892 Full NTN – PTEC
Largo FL 893 Full NTN – PTEC
Lealman FL 894 Full NTN – PTEC
Madeira Beach FL 895 Full NTN – PTEC
Oldsmar FL 896 Full NTN – PTEC
Dunedin FL 898 Full NTN – PTEC
East Lake FL 899 Full NTN – PTEC
Palm Harbor FL 900 Full NTN – PTEC
Pinellas Park FL 901 Full NTN – PTEC
Pinellas Suncoast FL 902 Full NTN – PTEC
Safety Harbor FL 903 Full NTN – PTEC
Seminole FL 904 Full NTN – PTEC
Miami- Dade County FL 7 Full Internal
Deerfield Beach FL 36 Full Palm Beach State College
North Palm Beach FL 60 Full Internal
Gainesville FL 89 Full NTN – CTAE
Boca Raton FL 115 Full NTN – PTEC
Volusia County FL 149 Full NTN – PTEC
Hialeah FL 161 Full Palm Beach State College
Palm Beach State College FL LL-010 Limited
Town of Palm Beach FL 308 Full Internal
Orange County FL 356 Full Internal
Clearwater FL 541 Full NTN – PTEC
South Manatee FL 1211 Full NTN
Ormond Beach FL 1213 Full NTN
Reedy Creek FL 1181 Full NTN
Palm Coast FL 1225 Full NTN
Flagler County FL 1226 NTN
Statesboro GA 1175 Full Internal
Augusta GA 973 Full Internal
Atlanta GA 15 Full Internal
Athens-Clarke County GA 42 Full Internal
Columbus GA 82 Full Internal
Savannah GA 148 Full Internal
Fulton County GA 251 Full Internal
Henry Co. GA 318 Full Internal
Riverdale GA 319 Full Internal
Honolulu HI 16 Full Internal
Muscatine IA 1115 Full Internal
Marion IA 1064 Full Internal
Cedar Rapids IA 959 Full Internal
Cedar Falls IA 912 Full Internal
Davenport IA 577 Full Internal
Sioux City IA 886 Full Internal
Iowa City IA 881 Full Internal
Dubuque IA 871 Full Internal
Council Bluffs IA 51 Full Internal
West Des Moines IA 87 Full Internal
Des Moines IA 133 Full Internal
Meridian ID 1040 Full Nampa
Boise ID 111 Full Internal
Nampa ID 258 Full Internal
Lemont IL 1308 Full Lemont Fire Protection District
Homewood IL 1166 Full NIPSTA
Streator IL 1146 Full Accepts cert from all licensees
Alton IL 1147 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Chicago IL 1117 Full NIPSTA & SUFD
Normal IL 1120 Full Decatur Fire Department
Urbana IL 1122 Full NIPSTA & SUFD
Joliet IL 1096 Full SUFD
Westmont IL 1092 Full SUFD
North Maine Fire Protection Dist. IL 1078 Full NIPSTA
Deerfield – Bannockburn IL 1075 Full NIPSTA
Village of Streamwood IL 1073 Full NIPSTA
Huntley Fire District IL 1074 Full NIPSTA
Hoffman Estates IL 1061 Full NIPSTA
Woodstock IL 1059 Full NIPSTA
Aurora IL 1053 Full NIPSTA
Mount Prospect IL 1054 Full NIPSTA
Sycamore IL 1055 Full NIPSTA
Waukegan IL 1047 Full NIPSTA
MABAS 24 IL LL-041 Limited License
Libertyville IL 1052 Full NIPSTA
Village of Wheeling IL 221 Full NIPSTA
Arlington Heights IL 1037 Full NIPSTA
Alsip IL 1002 Full NIPSTA
McHenry Township IL 988 Full NIPSTA
Lansing IL 981 Full NIPSTA
Elgin IL 974 Full NIPSTA
Schaumburg IL 949 Full NIPSTA
Palatine IL 951 Full NIPSTA
Oak Park IL 948 Full NIPSTA
Bedford Park IL 942 Full SUFD
Ottawa IL 923 Full NIPSTA
Palos Heights IL 876 Full NIPSTA
Hanover Park IL 859 Full NIPSTA
Champaign IL 826 Full NIPSTA
Decatur IL 821 Full NIPSTA
Lake Forest IL 828 Full NIPSTA
Naperville IL Limited
Wilmette IL 829 Full NIPSTA
Palos IL 802 Full NIPSTA
Frankfort IL 775 Full NIPSTA
Pleasantview IL 48 Full SUFD
Niles IL 72 Full NIPSTA
Morton Grove IL 74 Full NIPSTA
Glenview IL 84 Full NIPSTA
Northbrook IL 113 Full NIPSTA
Darien – Woodridge IL 159 Full SUFD
La Grange IL 167 Full NIPSTA
Winnetka IL 180 Full NIPSTA
Gurnee IL 209 Full NIPSTA
NIPSTA IL LL-009 Limited
Highland Park IL 303 Full NIPSTA
Orland IL 306 Full NIPSTA
Skokie IL 307 Full NIPSTA
Lake in the Hills IL 329 Full NIPSTA
Lake Zurich IL 345 Full NIPSTA
Gilberts IL 384 Full NIPSTA
Forest Park IL 413 Full NIPSTA
Northlake IL 500 Full NIPSTA
Prospect Heights IL 504 Full NIPSTA
Bolingbrook IL 525 Full NIPSTA
Highwood IL 526 Full NIPSTA
OakBrook IL 536 Full NIPSTA
Addison IL 537 Full NIPSTA
Lockport IL 538 Full NIPSTA
Itasca IL 542 Full NIPSTA
Park Ridge IL 549 Full NIPSTA
Bloomingdale IL 554 Full NIPSTA
Elmhurst IL 555 Full NIPSTA
Plainfield IL 556 Full NIPSTA
West Chicago IL 557 Full NIPSTA
Minooka IL 561 Full NIPSTA
Wheaton IL 571 Full NIPSTA
Palantine Rural IL 573 Full NIPSTA
Countryside FPD IL 585 Full NIPSTA
Vernon Hills IL 585 Full NIPSTA
Crystal Lake IL 588 Full NIPSTA
East Peoria IL 591 Full NIPSTA
Lincolnwood IL 605 Full NIPSTA
St. Charles IL 621 Full NIPSTA
Geneva IL 666 Full NIPSTA
West Dundee IL 672 Full NIPSTA
Moline IL 1210 Full NIPSTA
Peoria IL 1217 Full
Rock Island IL 1218 Full
Southwest United Fire Districts IL 031 Limited
Central Illinois Fire Chief’s Association IL 030 Limited
Columbus IN 047 Limited Columbus Public Training Facility
Whitestown IN 1188 Full ESEC
Muncie IN 1193 Full ESEC
New Castle IN 1187 Full ESEC
Columbia City IN 1156 Full Ft. Wayne
East Chicago IN 1148 Full Accepts certs from all licenses
Purdue University FD IN 1090 Full ESEC
Greenfield IN 1080 Full ESEC
West Lafayette IN 939 Full ESEC
Beech Grove IN 934 Full ESEC
Multi-Agency Academic Coorperation (MAAC) IN 48 Limited
Washington Township IN 52 Full ESEC
Indianapolis IN 5 Full ESEC
Evansville IN 12 Full
Lafayette IN 44 Full ESEC
Vincennes University IN 46 Limited
Richmond IN 49 Full ESEC
Elkhart IN 53 Full
Noblesville IN 63 Full ESEC
Lawrence IN 76 Full ESEC
South Bend IN 104 Full
Portage IN 119 Full ESEC
Avon IN 123 Full ESEC
Wayne Township IN 227 Full ESEC
Brownsburg Fire Territory IN 229 Full ESEC
Decatur Township IN 296 Full ESEC
Franklin Twp. IN 300 Full ESEC
Pike Township IN 304 Full ESEC
Fishers IN 305 Full ESEC
Speedway IN 310 Full ESEC
White River IN 327 Full ESEC
Emergency Services Education Center IN LL-005 Limited ESEC
Indianapolis Airport FD IN 434 Full ESEC
Crawfordsville IN 439 Full ESEC
Westfield IN 445 Full ESEC
Plainfield IN 448 Full ESEC
Terre Haute IN 452 Full ESEC
Bloomington IN 455 Full ESEC
Anderson IN 456 Full ESEC
Marion IN 457 Full ESEC
Franklin IN 458 Full ESEC
Martinsville IN 465 Full ESEC
Bargersville IN 486 Full ESEC
Carmel IN 488 Full ESEC
Cicero IN 490 Full ESEC
Danville IN 493 Full ESEC
Crown Point IN 496 Full ESEC
Vincennes IN 498 Full ESEC
Greencastle IN 511 Full ESEC
Greenwood IN 512 Full ESEC
Kokomo IN 513 Full ESEC
Mooresville IN 514 Full ESEC
Peru IN 515 Full ESEC
Warsaw IN 518 Full ESEC
Shelbyville IN 528 Full ESEC
Perry Township IN 543 Full
Mishawaka IN 567 Full
Ft. Wayne IN 575 Full
Sugar Creek Township IN 582 Full ESEC
Van Wert IN 658 Full
Arkansas City KS 1190 Full Hutchinson CC
McPherson KS 1051 Full Hutchinson CC
Overland Park KS 1001 Full Johnson Community College
Johnson Community College KS LL-030 Limited
Butler Community College KS LL-029 Limited
Derby KS 926 Full Hutchinson Community College
Great Bend KS 880 Full Hutchinson Community College
Salina KS 814 Full Hutchinson Community College
Winfield KS 815 Full Hutchinson Community College
Butler County District #3 KS 753 Full Hutchinson Community College
Newton KS 23 Full Hutchinson Community College
Sedgewick County KS 30 Full Hutchinnson Community College
Hutchinson Community College KS LL-006 Limited
El Dorado KS 151 Full Butler Community College
Wichita KS 152 Full Accepts certs from all Kansas Colleges
Hutchinson KS 157 Full Hutchinson Community College
Lawrence Douglas County Fire KS 215 Full Accepts certs from all Kansas Colleges
Hopkinsville KY 1189 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Campbell County KY 1068 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Bourbon County KY 1167 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Cattlettsburg KY 1160 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Erlanger KY 1161 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Mt. Washington KY 1164 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Somerset KY 1152 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Pikeville KY 1149 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Shepherdsville KY 1150 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Fairdale KY 1143 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Highview KY 1136 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Fern Creek KY 1137 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
McMahan KY 1138 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Daviess Co. KY 1139 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Pleasure Ridge Park KY 1140 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Okolona KY 1141 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Worthington KY 1142 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Danville KY 1132 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Lyndon KY 1134 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Middlesboro KY 1135 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Leitchfield KY 1129 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Louisville KY 1128 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Lexington KY 1110 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Shelbyville KY 1123 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Scott County KY 1124 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Southern Campbell KY 1125 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Berea KY 1119 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Radcliff KY 1112 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Nicholasville KY 1111 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Frankfort KY 1107 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Clark County KY 1079 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Central Campbell KY 1062 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Bellevue -Dayton KY 1058 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Elizabethtown KY 1056 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Wilder KY 1035 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Elsmere KY 1026 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Alexandria KY 1014 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Covington KY 1013 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Newport KY 992 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Fort Thomas KY 993 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Burlington KY 994 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Murray KY 958 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Florence KY 957 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Hebron KY 954 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Jeffersontown KY 952 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Kentucky Fire Commission KY LL-007 Limited
Owensboro KY 34 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Bowling Green KY 129 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Henderson KY 358 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Winchester KY 613 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Paducah KY 670 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
South Oldham KY 1202 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Paris KY 1209 Full Kentucky Fire Commission
Shreveport LA 127 Full Internal
St. Tammany Parrish ( Mandeville ) LA 574 Full Internal
St. Tammany FD # 1( Slidell ) LA 579 Full Internal
Brandon MB 888 Full Internal
Prince Georges County MD 947 Full Internal
Montgomery County MD 35 Full Internal
Frederick County MD 50 Full Internal
Anne Arundel County MD 54 Full Internal
Howard County- Cooksville MD 57 Full Internal
BWI Airport MD 62 Full Internal
Baltimore City MD 121 Full Internal
Salisbury MD 130 Full Internal
Annapolis MD 325 Full Internal
Scarborough ME 1144 Full Internal
South Portland ME 1145 Full Internal
Portland ME 231 Full Internal
Grand Rapids MI 1311 Full Internal
Detroit MI 1151 Full External
Ypsilanti MI 1114 Full Schoolcraft College
Warren MI 1099 Full Schoolcraft College
Farmington Hills MI 1020 Full Schoolcraft College
West Bloomfield MI 969 Full Schoolcraft College
Birmingham MI 967 Full Schoolcraft College
Inkster MI 877 Full Schoolcraft College
Wayne MI 878 Full Schoolcraft College
Westland MI 879 Full Schoolcraft College
Livonia MI 825 Full Schoolcraft College
Wayne County Airport MI 801 Full Schoolcraft College
Plymouth County MI 800 Full Schoolcraft College
Brownstown MI 771 Full Schoolcraft College
Dearborn Heights MI 772 Full Schoolcraft College
Melvindale MI 790 Full Schoolcraft College
Northville Township MI 789 Full Schoolcraft College
Novi MI 788 Full Schoolcraft College
Ann Arbor MI 412 Full Schoolcraft College
Schoolcraft College – Fire Training MI LL-023 Limited
Sterling Heights MI 516 Full Schoolcraft College
Farmington MI 544 Full Schoolcraft College
Adrian MI 583 Full Schoolcraft College
Clinton Township MI 598 Full Schoolcraft College
Huron Township MI 599 Full Schoolcraft College
Southgate MI 600 Full Schoolcraft College
Bloomfield Township MI 619 Full Schoolcraft College
Lake Superior College MN LL-033 Limited
Virginia MN 1133 Full Internal
Hibbing MN 1131 Full Internal
Minneapolis MN 1108 Full Hennepin Technical College
Edina MN 1063 Full Hennepin Technical College
Hennepin Technical College MN LL-011 Limited
Duluth MN 435 Full
Red Wing MN 569 Full
Wentzville MO 1191 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
St. Charles MO 1184 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Mehlville MO 1091 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Cottleville MO 1086 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Webster Groves MO 1048 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Valley Park MO 1038 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Maplewood – MO 1034 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Maryland Heights MO 1029 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Richmond Heights MO 1028 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Pattonville MO 1027 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Affton MO 1024 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
University City MO 1022 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Shrewsbury MO 1021 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
West County MO 1016 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
St. Louis City MO 1011 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Frontenac MO 1017 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
West Overland MO 1012 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Clayton MO 1008 Full St. Louis Co. Consortium
Kansas City MO 43 Full Internal
Blue River Community College MO LL-013 Limited
North Kansas City MO 168 Full Internal
Central Jackson County MO 172 Full Blue River Community
Lee’s Summit MO 175 Full Blue River Community
Independence MO 176 Full Blue River Community
Grandview MO 190 Full Blue River Community
Southern Platte MO 204 Full Blue River Community
Smithville MO 210 Full Blue River Community
South Salt Lake MO 1204 Full Internal
O’Fallen MO 1205 Full St. Louis County Fire Academy
Glendale MO 1220 Full
Hattiesburg MS 661 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Fulton MS 998 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Verona MS 988 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Diamondhead MS 797 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Philadelphia MS 798 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Pontotoc MS 799 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
New Albany MS 725 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Thorn MS 720 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Bassfield MS 668 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Columbus MS 33 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Horn Lake MS 67 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Greenville MS 120 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Biloxi MS 138 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Mississippi State Fire Academy MS LL-014 Limited
Corinth MS 216 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Jackson MS 285 Full
Madison MS 326 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Waveland MS 346 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Ellisville MS 352 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Olive Branch MS 353 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Pascagoula MS 354 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Water Valley MS 359 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Lucedale MS 366 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Ocean Springs MS 377 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Louisville MS 378 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Harrison CO. MS 385 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
West Point MS 388 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Attala CO. MS 389 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Batesville MS 390 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Lamar CO. MS 391 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
McComb MS 395 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Richland MS 396 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Booneville MS 401 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
D’Iberville MS 402 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Hernando MS 403 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Yazoo City MS 404 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Picayune MS 405 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Sunflower Co. MS 406 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Belzoni MS 409 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Forest MS 410 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Jackson Co. MS 411 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Lowndes County MS 414 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Newton MS 415 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Southhaven MS 416 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Oxford MS 417 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Lafayette Co. MS 418 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Carthage MS 424 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Forrest Co. MS 425 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Rankin Co. MS 426 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Indianola MS 427 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Walls MS 428 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Claiborne Co. MS 436 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Monticello MS 447 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Collins MS 450 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Okolona MS 471 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Senatobia MS 475 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Winona MS 476 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
North Tunica Co. MS 546 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Neshoba Co. MS 547 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Magee MS 562 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Laurel MS 570 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Pearl MS 623 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Reservoir MS 625 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Petal MS 626 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Pass Christian MS 627 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Ridgeland MS 629 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Tupelo MS 628 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Canton MS 630 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Clinton MS 631 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Greenwood MS 632 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Gautier MS 633 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Vicksburg MS 634 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Brandon MS 635 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Moss Point MS 636 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Brookhaven MS 637 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Gulf Park Estates MS 638 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Aberdeen MS 639 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Grenada MS 640 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Amory MS 641 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Columbia MS 642 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Leake County Rural MS 643 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Prentiss MS 644 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Wiggins MS 645 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Hazelurst MS 646 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Waynesboro MS 648 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Holly Springs MS 649 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Clarksdale MS 650 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Gulfport MS 651 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Central Lamar MS 652 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Leland MS 653 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Bay St. Louis MS 654 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Poplarville MS 655 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Natchez MS 656 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Lewisburg MS 657 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Long Beach MS 660 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Houston MS 661 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Tippah County MS 662 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Starkville MS 663 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Greater Mantachie MS 664 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Merdian MS 665 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Northwest Noxubee MS 669 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Loyd Star MS 702 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Sherman MS 703 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Scott County MS 712 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Saltillo MS 715 Full Mississippi State Fire Academy
Big Sky MT 989 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Lockwood Rural MT 776 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Billings MT 11 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Helena MT 14 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Miles City MT 19 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Missoula MT 20 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Missoula Rural MT 21 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Butte-Silver Bow MT 88 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Bozeman MT 125 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Great Falls MT 128 Full Montana Testing Consortium
Asheville Fire Department NC L0332 Full Internal
Concord NC 1177 Full Internal
Gastonia NC 933 Full Internal
Charlotte NC 3 Full Internal
High Point NC 217 Full Internal
Goldsboro NC 315 Full Internal
Raleigh NC 566 Full Internal
Albemarle NC 1219 Full
Harrisburg NC 1222 Full
Grand Forks ND 270 Full Internal
Morrow & Associates NE LL-031 Limited
Bellevue NE 1085 Full Internal
Papillion NE 1083 Full Internal
Omaha NE 153 Full
Chester NH 1071 Full NH State Fire Academy
Litchfield NH 1157 Full NH State Fire Academy
Moultonborough NH 1158 Full NH State Fire Academy
Pittsfield NH 1084 Full NH State Fire Academy
Laconia NH 1043 Full NH State Fire Academy
Amherst NH 1044 Full NH State Fire Academy
Plaistow NH 1041 Full NH State Fire Academy
Bow NH 1031 Full NH State Fire Academy
Brentwood NH 1032 Full NH State Fire Academy
Berlin NH 980 Full NH State Fire Academy
Windham NH 985 Full NH State Fire Academy
Raymond NH 961 Full NH State Fire Academy
New Hampshire Fire Academy NH LL-026 Limited NH State Fire Academy
Bridgewater NH 928 Full NH State Fire Academy
Wakefield NH 920 Full NH State Fire Academy
Hopkinton NH 870 Full NH State Fire Academy
Northwood NH 835 Full NH State Fire Academy
Gilmanton NH 831 Full NH State Fire Academy
Nashua NH 830 Full NH State Fire Academy
Tilton – Northfield NH 791 Full NH State Fire Academy
Pelham NH 812 Full NH State Fire Academy
Barrington NH 796 Full NH State Fire Academy
Dover NH 792 Full NH State Fire Academy
Franklin NH 793 Full NH State Fire Academy
Newington NH 794 Full NH State Fire Academy
Portsmouth NH 795 Full NH State Fire Academy
Plymouth NH 727 Full NH State Fire Academy
Epson NH 737 Full NH State Fire Academy
Concord NH 738 Full NH State Fire Academy
North Hampton NH 773 Full NH State Fire Academy
Kingston NH 673 Full NH State Fire Academy
Hampton NH 674 Full NH State Fire Academy
Exeter NH 675 Full NH State Fire Academy
Sanbornton NH 676 Full NH State Fire Academy
Merrimack NH 677 Full NH State Fire Academy
Somersworth NH 678 Full NH State Fire Academy
Derry NH 679 Full NH State Fire Academy
Conway NH 680 Full NH State Fire Academy
Auburn NH 681 Full NH State Fire Academy
Durham NH 682 Full NH State Fire Academy
Londonderry NH 683 Full NH State Fire Academy
Epping NH 684 Full NH State Fire Academy
Salem NH 685 Full NH State Fire Academy
Pease NH 686 Full NH State Fire Academy
Milton NH 687 Full NH State Fire Academy
Belmont NH 688 Full NH State Fire Academy
Rye NH 689 Full NH State Fire Academy
Bedford NH 690 Full NH State Fire Academy
Wolfeboro NH 691 Full NH State Fire Academy
Goffstown NH 692 Full NH State Fire Academy
Hanover NH 693 Full NH State Fire Academy
Hooksett NH 694 Full NH State Fire Academy
Barnstead NH 695 Full NH State Fire Academy
Keene NH 696 Full NH State Fire Academy
Claremont NH 697 Full NH State Fire Academy
Lebanon NH 698 Full NH State Fire Academy
Milford NH 699 Full NH State Fire Academy
Rochester NH 700 Full NH State Fire Academy
Manchester Regional Airport Fire NH 701 Full NH State Fire Academy
Hudson NH 705 Full NH State Fire Academy
Loudon NH 706 Full NH State Fire Academy
Manchester NH 707 Full NH State Fire Academy
Seabrook NH 708 Full NH State Fire Academy
Henniker NH 709 Full NH State Fire Academy
Gilford NH 716 Full NH State Fire Academy
Littleton NH 717 Full NH State Fire Academy
Pembroke NH 1247 Full External
Campton-Thorton Fire Rescue NH 1245 Full
Brookline NH 1248 Full External
Lee NH 1249 Full Internal
Rio Rancho NM 1067 Full Albuquerque Fire Department
Albuquerque NM 260 Full
Farmington NM 564 Full
Halifax, Nova Scotia NS 282 Full
Mesquite NV 1159 Full Accepts certs from all licenses
College of Southern Nevada NV LL-034 Limited
Clark County NV 90 Full Internal
Las Vegas NV 230 Full Internal
Henderson Fire NV 266 Full Internal
City Of Sparks NV 1198 Full CALJAC
North Las Vegas NV 1207 Full College of Southern Nevada
Lake Mohegan NY 824 Full
Larchmont NY 809 Full Westchester County
Mamaroneck NY 810 Full Westchester County
Rye NY 819 Full Westchester County
Hartsdale NY 804 Full Westchester County
Greenville NY 805 Full Westchester County
New Rochelle NY 806 Full Westchester County
Port Chester NY 807 Full Westchester County
Niagara Falls NY 787 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
New York NY 10 Full Internal
Rochester NY 81 Full Internal
Westchester County NY 604 Full Internal
Buffalo NY 704 Full Internal
Deerfield Township OH 968 Full
Heath OH 1193 Full ESEC
Chillicothe OH 1117 Full Internal
Marysville OH 1077 Full Miami Alliance Consortium
West Licking OH 1010 Full Internal
CVG Airport OH 996 Full Kentucky State Fire Commission
Sycamore Township OH 832 Full Internal
Jefferson Township OH 761 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Kettering OH 762 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Miamisburg OH 763 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Moraine OH 764 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
New Lebanon OH 765 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Oakwood OH 766 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Phillipsburg OH 767 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Riverside OH 768 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Washington Township OH 769 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Bellbrook OH 751 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Brookville OH 752 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Butler Township OH 754 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Clayton OH 755 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Dayton OH 756 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Engelwood OH 757 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Germantown OH 758 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Harrison Township OH 759 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Jackson Township OH 760 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Huber Heights OH 31 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Trotwood OH 45 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Miami Township OH 69 Full Miami Valley Alliance Consortium
Franklin OH 80 Full Accepts certs from all CPAT licenses
Beavercreek OH 213 Full Accepts certs from all CPAT licenses
Evendale OH 331 Full Accepts certs from all CPAT licenses
Green Township OH 397 Full Accepts certs from all CPAT licenses
Madeira & Indian Hill OH 485 Full Internal
Chevoit OH 491 Full Accepts certs from all CPAT licenses
Glendale OH 529 Full Accepts certs from all CPAT licenses
Groveport OH 1203 Full
Newark OH 593 Full Internal
Owasso OK 1109 Full Internal
Broken Arrow OK 1036 Full Internal
Duncon OK 941 Full EOC Technology Center
Jenks OK 851 Full EOC Technology Center
Oklahoma City OK 68 Full Internal
The Village Fire Dept. OK 70 Full EOC Technology Center
Kingfisher OK 75 Full EOC Technology Center
Shawnee OK 92 Full EOC Technology Center
Guthrie OK 94 Full EOC Technology Center
El Reno OK 95 Full EOC Technology Center
Betheny OK 155 Full EOC Technology Center
Chickasha OK 158 Full EOC Technology Center
Will Rogers World Airport Fire Dept. OK 273 Full EOC Technology Center
Midwest City OK 274 Full EOC Technology Center
EOC Technology Center OK LL-004 Limited
Del City OK 281 Full EOC Technology Center
Nichols Hills OK 289 Full EOC Technology Center
Stillwater OK 332 Full EOC Technology Center
Newcastle OK 480 Full EOC Technology Center
Noble OK 481 Full EOC Technology Center
Mustang OK 482 Full EOC Technology Center
Wewoka OK 483 Full EOC Technology Center
Norman OK 575 Full EOC Technology Center
Cushing OK 602 Full EOC Technology Center
Chandler OK 615 Full EOC Technology Center
Ponca City OK 78 Full EOC Technology Center
Firefighter Services of Ontario ON LL-002 Limited
St. Catharines ON Full 1186 Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Port Colburn ON 783 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Stratford ON 784 Full All Canadian Limited Licensees
Thorold ON 785 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Woodstock ON 786 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Burlington ON 777 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Brandtford ON 778 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Caledon ON 779 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Collingwood ON 780 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Lincoln ON 781 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Niagara-on-the-Lake ON 782 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Ottawa ON 41 Full University of Waterloo
North Bay ON 56 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
University of Waterloo ON LL-012 Limited
Pembroke ON 117 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Windsor ON 207 Full CPAT License on Hold
Markham ON 299 Full CPAT License on Hold
Cambridge ON 334 Full All Canadian Limited Licensees
Kitchener ON 335 Full University of Waterloo
Guelph ON 338 Full All Canadian Limited Licensees
City of Waterloo ON 339 Full All Canadian Limited Licensees
Brampton ON 429 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Welland ON 430 Full University of Waterloo
Oakville ON 470 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Orillia ON 502 Full Fire Fighter Services of Ontario
Toronto ON 520 Full University of Waterloo
Toronto Airport Authority ON 719 Full Internal
City of Niagara Falls ON 1216 Full
Medford OR 1250 Full Internal
Scappoose OR 1154 Full National Testing Network
Mid-Columbia OR 1113 Full National Testing Network
Redmond OR 1069 Full National Testing Network
Albany OR 1057 Full National Testing Network
Gresham OR 978 Full National Testing Network
Bend OR 930 Full National Testing Network
National Testing Network OR LL-018 Limited
Tualitan Valley OR 109 Full Internal
Eugene OR 126 Full National Testing Network
Port of Portland OR 726 Full Tualatin Valley
Salem OR 616 Full National Testing Network
Township of Spring PA 1089 Full Internal
York Area United PA 1025 Full Internal
Reading PA 64 Full Internal
Manheim Township PA 729 Full Internal
Harrisburg PA 822 Full Internal
Erie PA 58 Full Internal
York PA 713 Full Internal
Lancaster PA 1227 Internal
Providence RI 1070 Full Internally
Myrtle Beach SC 233 Full Internal
Sioux Falls SD 83 Full Internal
Regina SK 174 Full Calgary Fire Department
Cleveland TN 953 Full Internal
Memphis TN 827 Full Internal
Kingsport TN 440 Full Internal
Oak Ridge TN 1223 Full
Travis County #2 TX 995 Full
Austin TX 2 Full
El Paso TX 37 Full
Lubbock TX 46 Full
San Antonio TX 61 Full
Corpus Christy TX 139 Full
Lamar Institute of Technology TX LL-008 Limited
Orange County TX 173 Full
Round Rock TX 181 Full
Orange TX 244 Full
Texas City TX 271 Full
Beaumont TX 550 Full
Dallas TX 560 Full
Amarillo TX 592 Full
Port Arthur TX 601 Full
Roy City UT 77 Full
Weber Fire District UT 220 Full
Salt Lake City UT 288 Full
Utah Valley University UT LL-021 Limited
West Valley UT 333 Full
Ogden City UT 361 Full
South Jordan UT 1195 Full
Murray City UT 1199 Full Internal
Sandy City UT 1200 Full Internal
West Jordan UT 1201 Full Internal
Loudoun County VA 1320 Full
Virginia Beach VA 944 Full
Alexandria VA 919 Full
Fairfax VA 1 Full
Chesapeake VA 71 Full
Prince William County Dept. of Fire & Rescue VA 93 Full
Henrico County VA 225 Full
Hanover Fire & EMS VA 228 Full
Arlington County VA 259 Full
Chesterfield Fire and EMS VA 262 Full
Suffolk VA 283 Full
Richmond VA 284 Full
Roanoke Co. VA 295 Full
Roanoke Fire- EMS VA 328 Full
Salem VA 530 Full
Lynchburg VA 551 Full
Vermont Fire Academy VT LL-024 Limited
Springfield VT 924 Full
St. Johnsbury VT 917 Full
Hartford VT 897 Full
Burlington VT 885 Full
Brattleboro VT 887 Full
Hartford VT 889 Full
Williston VT 890 Full
South Burlington VT 891 Full
South Bay Fire District WA 1070 Full Public Safety Testing, Inc.
Yakima WA 1093 Full Public Safety Testing, Inc.
Eatonville WA 1082 Full Public Safety Testing, Inc.
Tumwater WA 1006 Full
Moses Lake WA 1004 Full
South Pierce #17 WA 991 Full
Clallam County #3 WA 982 Full
Snohomish County #22 WA 984 Full
Enumclaw WA 975 Full
Montesano WA 964 Full
Colfax WA 955 Full
Lynden WA 956 Full
Snohomish County Airport WA 925 Full
East Pierce WA 883 Full
Vashon Island WA 833 Full
South Kitsap WA 817 Full
Thurston Co. District 1 WA 808 Full
Everett WA 750 Full
Bainbridge Island WA 721 Full
Aberdeen WA 723 Full
Anacortes WA 724 Full
Seattle WA 9 Full
Wenatchee WA 55 Full
Stanwood WA 118 Full
Ellensburg WA 124 Full
Sun City WA 137 Full
Bates Technical College WA LL-001 Limited
Bremerton WA 156 Full
Port of Seattle WA 164 Full
Richland WA 179 Full
King County Fire District #45 WA 182 Full
Arlington WA 183 Full
Bellevue WA 184 Full
Redmond WA 185 Full
Bothell WA 186 Full
Mason County WA 187 Full
Mason County #2 WA 837 Full
Central Kitsap WA 188 Full
Edmonds WA 189 Full
Kirkland WA 191 Full
Lacey WA 192 Full
Longview WA 193 Full
Mercer Island WA 194 Full
Mukilteo WA 195 Full
North Kitsap WA 196 Full
Olympia WA 197 Full
Kitsap County WA 198 Full
Port Townsend WA 199 Full
Poulsbo WA 200 Full
Sedro – Woolley WA 201 Full
Shelton WA 202 Full
Shoreline WA 203 Full
Tukwila WA 205 Full
Washougal WA 206 Full
Woodinville WA 208 Full
Northshore WA 222 Full
Pacific WA 224 Full
Lynnwood WA 226 Full
Renton WA 232 Full
Hanford WA 235 Full
King County Fire District #40 WA 237 Full
Thurston County Fire District #9 WA 239 Full
Steilacom WA 241 Full
Pierce County 5 WA 245 Full
King County 39 WA 246 Full
Pierce County 3 WA 247 Full
Graham Fire & Rescue WA 248 Full
Lakewood Fire #2 WA 249 Full
Pierce County #8 WA 250 Full
Kent WA 252 Full
Maple Valley Fire & Life Safety WA 253 Full
Kennewick WA 255 Full
Seatac WA 257 Full
Bellingham WA 265 Full
Hoquiam WA 268 Full
Wallingford WA 276 Full
Public Safety Testing, Inc. WA LL-017 Limited
Fall City (King County 27) WA 297 Full
King County Fire District #27 WA 297 Full
Casmas WA 298 Full
Auburn WA 393 Full
Camano Island WA 399 Full
North Whatcom WA 444 Full
Snohomish County – District 1 WA 474 Full
Sunnyside WA 517 Full
Eastside WA 531 Full
Oak Harbor WA 532 Ful
Ocean Shores WA 533 Full
Marysville WA 548 Full
National Testing Network WA LL-018 Limited
Snohomish County – District 17 WA 565 Full
Lake Stevens WA 580 Full
Central Pierce #6 WA 581 Full
Cowlitz #2 WA 584 Full
Pasco WA 586 Full
Port Ludlow WA 589 Full
Snohomish County – District 3 WA 590 Full
Yelm WA 596 Full
Snohomish County – District 7 WA 597 Full
Central Whidbey Island WA 607 Full
Key Peninsula WA 609 Full
Grays Harbor WA 618 Full
Snohomish County – District 4 WA 710 Full
Snoqualmie WA 711 Full
North County WA 714 Full
Wisconsin Rapids WI 1163 Full Chippewa Valley Tech
Neenah – Menasha WI 1039 Full Fox Valley Tech. College
Northshore WI 999 Full
Milwaukee County WI 983 Full
Two Rivers WI 976 Full
Oshkosh WI 977 Full
De Pere WI 970 Full
Grand Chute WI 935 Full
Greendale WI 936 Full
Ashland WI 911 Full
Chippewa Falls WI 913 Full
Onalaska WI 915 Full
Fox Valley Technical College WI LL-020 Limited
South Milwaukee WI 884 Full
St. Francis WI 882 Full
Greenfield WI 875 Full
Sheboygan WI 740 Full
West Bend WI 73 Full
Janesville WI 79 Full
Chippewa WI 96 Full
Lacrosse WI 99 Full
Menomonie WI 108 Full
Appleton WI 114 Full
Eau Claire WI 116 Full
Beloit WI 136 Full
Chippewa Valley Technical College WI LL-019 Limited
West Allis WI 236 Full
Rhinelander WI 311 Full
Marshfield WI 313 Full
Stevens Point WI 314 Full
Wauwatosa WI 375 Full
New Berlin WI 376 Full
Franklin WI 379 Full
Mukwonago WI 380 Full
Kenosha WI 381 Full
Brookfield WI 382 Full
Waukesha WI 387 Full
Mt. Pleasant WI 394 Full
Sussex WI 407 Full
Big Bend WI 449 Full
Delafield WI 472 Full
Green Bay WI 484 Full
Racine WI 497 Full
Fond Du Lac WI 510 Full
Superior WI 534 Full
Antigo WI 568 Full
Manitowoc WI 614 Full
Milwaukee WI 620 Full
North Central Technical College WI LL-034 Limited
Charleston WV 101 Full
Wheeling WV 273 Full
Huntington WV 256 Full
South Charleston WV 294 Full
Beckley WV 360 Full
Nitro WV 433 Full
St. Albans WV 595 Full
Laramie WY 997 Full
Cheyenne WY 211 Full